HTF (Human Tubal Fluid)

Catalog No:

Human Tubal Fluid (HTF) is an essential workhorse reagent used in a wide variety of mouse in vitro fertilization procedures.

See all IVF and fertility-related products available from Cosmo Bio USA

For mouse _III_in vitro_IIII_ fertilization Produced by strict quality control based on ISO9001 (Global quality management standard)

Expiry date

1 year from production

Delivery basis

In vitro fertility rate (mouse) : over 80 %.

Cautions: This product is not available to those who have purchased ARK resorce products before.

Cosmo Bio Brand Reagent Solutions for Mouse and Rat Reproductive Engineering

In addtion to the awesomely characterized CARD/Kyudo line of reagents for mouse, Cosmo Bio offers it's own house brand of IVF-related solutions where the focus is on value. We offer reagents for both mouse and rat in sizes that may better fit your work flow. And make no mistake about it, quality and consistency are assured. Our reagents are produced and packaged in Japan by a highly experienced manufactuer under ISO9001 global quality management standards. All reagents are sealed in glass ampoules, and store at 4 degrees C with shelf lives of at least one year from the date of manufacture.

Documents & Links for HTF (Human Tubal Fluid)
Datasheet HTF (Human Tubal Fluid) Datasheet

Documents & Links for HTF (Human Tubal Fluid)
Datasheet HTF (Human Tubal Fluid) Datasheet

Citations for HTF (Human Tubal Fluid) – 1 Found
Litvinova, Ekaterina A; Kozhevnikova, Elena N; Achasova, Ksenia M; Kontsevaya, Galina V; Moshkin, Mikhail P. Eradication of Helicobacter spp. in mucin2-deficient mice. Laboratory Animals. 2017;51(3):311-314.  PubMed