Reproductive Engineering Reagents

for MOUSE from Kyudo/CARD

Premier Products for IVF-Related Procedures

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The enormous benefits of mice with induced mutations and the increasing ease at which they can be produced has led to an explosion in the number of mouse strains needing to maintained. Advances in the alternative technologies of embryo cryopreservation, and sperm cryopreservation followed by IVF, have helped to meet this challenge. Between the two, sperm cryopreservation is now generally accepted as the faster and more cost efficient, particularly following technological and methodological improvements resulting in increased IVF success rates with B/6 mice, the most widely used strain for transgenic manipulation.

Many of these technological and methodological improvements were made in the laboratories of Drs. Naomi Nagata and Toru Takeo at The Animal Facility of Kumamoto University in Japan, known officially as Kumamoto University Institute of Resource Development and Analysis Center for Animal Resources and Development or less formally as the "Center for Animal Resources and Development" abbreviated as CARD. Significant gains to IVF success have come in the form of improved reagents developed at CARD for use in various steps of the IVF cycle. Over the years, Drs. Nakagata, Takeo and colleagues have been generous and tireless in their efforts to share and disseminate their findings around the globe in a long running series of now famous workshops.

To make CARD's reagents available to scientist worldwide, CARD partners with Japan's Kyudo Co., Ltd. for product development, manufacturing, quality control, commercialization, and distribution. The widespread adaptation of Kyudo's CARD reagents and CARD methodologies by scientists around the world have become the best testament to their utility.

Kyudo's reagents will help maintain the safety of your valuable mouse resources. Mouse strains can be successfully archived using FERTIUP® Mouse Cryoprotectant to cryopreserve sperm in lieu of keeping live mice. This allows for massive savings in cost and space required for breeding management. When live mice of a certain strain are required, the cryopreserved spermatozoa are thawed, treated with CARD FERTIUP® Mouse Preincubation Medium and CARD Medium® to increase their fertility, and used to fertilize oocytes (efficiently obtained by superovulation of females with CARD HyperOva®). The embryos obtained from fertilization can then be transferred into recipient parents to produce the mice required.

Please explore all the fine products offered by Kyudo by clicking the links at left.

Trust Kyudo products to preserve, protect, and defend your valuable mouse colony resources! 


Kyudo Products for Mouse IVF-Related Procedures

The following Kyudo products are available for MOUSE purchase. Please explore the links at the top of this page for specific information.
To explore Kyudo products for RAT IVF-related procedures, click on the RAT reagents link on the IVF and Fertility Dashboard page.

For Mouse For Mouse Sperm Cryopreservation
CARD Fertiup® Cryoprotectant: CPA

For Mouse Sperm Thawing
CARD Fertiup® Preincubation Media: PM

For Mouse Embryo Production
CARD Medium

For Mouse Superovulation
CARD HyperOva®
CARD Hyperova® FD (freeze-dried)

IVF-Related Companion Reagents
CARD mHTF (modified Human Tubal Fluid). Also used for RAT. 
CARD 0.25M Sucrose

Hardware Accessories for Related Procedures
Sperm Straws
Triangular Cassette
Glass Capillaries
Straw Connector
Freezing Canister
CARD Cold Temperature Transport Kit
Embryo Manipulation Instrument Set