Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharides Dashboard 


Catalog Number Product Name
CSR-DDI-0S Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-0S di-0s.jpg

This product is made from chondroitin sulfate (CS) polymer by digestion with Chondroitinase ABC (CAS: 9024-13-9) or Chondroitinase AC-ϩ (CAS: 9047-57-8), and purified by the column chromatography. ԥDi-0S has a double bond (unsaturated bond) between C-4 and C-5 position of uronic acid at the non-reducing end, and “ԥ (delta)” of
ԥDi-0S means the unsaturated bond. The structure of ԥDi-0S sodium salt is shown in the chart below. This product is useful as a standard for a constituent analysis of CS using a HPLC after the digestion with Chondroitinase derived from bacteria1). The enclosed Certification of Analysis lists actual content and purity for product specifications.

CSR-DDI-4S Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-4S di-4s.jpg

This product is made from chondroitin sulfate (CS) polymer by digestion with Chondroitinase ABC (CAS: 9024-13-9) or Chondroitinase AC-ϩ (CAS: 9047-57-8), and purified by the column chromatography. ԥDi-4S has a double bond (unsaturated bond) between C-4 and C-5 position of uronic acid at the non-reducing end, and “ԥ (delta)” of
ԥDi-4S means the unsaturated bond. The structure of ԥDi-4S sodium salt is shown in the chart below. This product is useful as a standard for a constituent analysis of CS using a HPLC after the digestion with Chondroitinase derived from bacteria1). ԥDi-4S is generated from the “A structure” of CS or dermatan sulfate structure. The enclosed Certification of Analysis lists actual content and purity for product specifications.

CSR-DDI-6S Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-6S di-6s.jpg

This product is made from chondroitin sulfate (CS) polymer by digestion with Chondroitinase ABC (CAS: 9024-13-9) or Chondroitinase AC-Ⅱ (CAS: 9047-57-8), and purified by the column chromatography. ⊿Di-6S has a double bond (unsaturated bond) between C-4 and C-5 position of uronic acid at the non-reducing end, and “⊿ (delta)” of ⊿Di-6S means the unsaturated bond. The structure of ⊿Di-6S sodium salt is shown in the chart below. This product is useful as a standard for a constituent analysis of CS using a HPLC after the digestion with Chondroitinase derived from bacteria1). ⊿Di-6S is generated from the “C structure” of CS. The enclosed Certification of Analysis lists actual content and purity for product specifications.

CSR-DDI-SE Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-diSE di-dise.jpg

This product is made from chondroitin sulfate (CS) polymer by digestion with Chondroitinase ABC (CAS: 9024-13-9) or Chondroitinase AC-Ⅱ (CAS: 9047-57-8), and purified by the column chromatography. ⊿Di-diSE has a double bond (unsaturated bond) between C-4 and C-5 position of uronic acid at the non-reducing end, and “⊿ (delta)” of ⊿Di-diSE means the unsaturated bond. The structure of ⊿Di-diSE sodium salt is shown in the chart below. This product is useful as a standard for a constituent analysis of CS and dermatan sulfate (DS) using a HPLC after the digestion with Chondroitinase derived from bacteria1). ⊿Di-diSE is generated from the “E structure” of CS and “H structure” of DS. The enclosed Certification of Analysis lists actual content and purity for product specifications.

CSR-DDI-SD Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-diSD


This product is made from chondroitin sulfate (CS) polymer by digestion with Chondroitinase ABC (CAS: 9024-13-9) or Chondroitinase AC-Ⅱ (CAS: 9047-57-8), and purified by the column chromatography. ⊿Di-diSD has a double bond (unsaturated bond) between C-4 and C-5 position of uronic acid at the non-reducing end, and “⊿ (delta)” of ⊿Di-diSD means the unsaturated bond. The structure of ⊿Di-diSD sodium salt is shown in the chart below. This product is useful as a standard for a constituent analysis of CS and dermatan sulfate (DS) using a HPLC after the digestion with
Chondroitinase derived from bacteria1). ⊿Di-diSD is generated from the disaccharide unit with sulfuric acid ester on 6 position of galactosamine and on 2 position of uronic acid in CS or DS. The enclosed Certification of Analysis lists actual content and purity for product specifications.

CSR-DDI-SB Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-diSB di-disb.jpg

This product is made from dermatan sulfate (DS) polymer by digestion with Chondroitinase ABC (CAS: 9024-13-9), and purified by the column chromatography. ⊿Di-diSB has a double bond (unsaturated bond) between C-4 and C-5 position of uronic acid at the non-reducing end, and “⊿ (delta)” of ⊿Di-diSB means the unsaturated bond. The structure of ⊿Di-diSB sodium salt is shown in the chart below. This product is useful as a standard for a constituent analysis of DS and chondroitin sulfate (CS) using a HPLC after the digestion with Chondroitinase derived from bacteria1). ⊿Di-diSB is generated from the disaccharide unit with sulfuric acid ester on 4 position of galactosamine and on 2 position of uronic acid in CS or DS. The enclosed Certification of Analysis lists actual content and purity for product specifications.

CSR-DDI-TS Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-diTriS di-tris.jpg

This product is made from over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate (CS) polymer by digestion with Chondroitinase ABC (CAS: 9024-13-9) or Chondroitinase AC-Ⅱ (CAS: 9047-57-8), and purified by the column chromatography. ⊿Di-TriS has a double bond (unsaturated bond) between C-4 and C-5 position of uronic acid at the non-reducing end, and “⊿ (delta)” of ⊿Di-TriS means the unsaturated bond. The structure of ⊿Di-TriS sodium salt is shown in the chart below. This product is useful as a standard for a constituent analysis of CS and dermatan sulfate (DS) using a HPLC after the digestion with Chondroitinase derived from bacteria1). ⊿ Di-TriS is generated from the disaccharide unit with sulfuric acid ester on 4 and 6 positions of galactosamine and on 2 position of uronic acid in CS or DS. The enclosed Certification of Analysis lists actual content and purity for product specifications.

CSR-DDI-UA2S Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-UA2S di-ua2s.jpg

This product is made from Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide:⊿Di-diSD by digestion with Chondro-6-Sulfatase (CAS: 9045-76-5), and purified by the column chromatography. ⊿Di-UA2S has a double bond (unsaturated bond) between C-4 and C5 position of uronic acid at the non-reducing end, and “⊿ (delta)” of ⊿Di-UA2S means the unsaturated bond. The structure of ⊿Di-UA2S sodium salt is shown in the chart below. This product is useful as a standard for a constituent analysis of chondroitin sulfate (CS) and dermatan sulfate (DS) using a HPLC after the digestion with Chondroitinase derived from bacteria1). ⊿Di-UA2S is generated from the disaccharide unit with sulfuric acid ester on 2 position of uronic acid in CS or DS. The enclosed Certification of Analysis lists actual content and purity for product specifications.

CSR-DDI-HA Unsaturated Hyaluro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-HA di-ha.jpg

This product is made from sodium hyaluronate polymer by digestion with Chondroitinase AC-Ⅱ (CAS: 9047-57-8), and purified by the column chromatography. ⊿Di-HA has a double bond (unsaturated bond) between C-4 and C-5 position of uronic acid at the non-reducing end, and “⊿ (delta)” of ⊿Di-HA means the unsaturated bond. The structure of ⊿Di-HA sodium salt is shown in the chart below. This product is useful as a standard for an analysis of hyaluronan using a HPLC after the digestion with Hyaluronidase or Chondroitinase derived from bacteria1). The enclosed Certification of Analysis lists actual content and purity for product specifications.

CSR-DDI-ASS Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: Assortment*  1.JPG

These products are made from chondroitin sulfate (CS) or dermatan sulfate (DS) polymer by digestion with Chondroitinase ABC (CAS: 9024-13-9) or Chondroitinase AC- Ⅱ (CAS: 9047-57-8), and purified by the column chromatography. These products have a double bond (unsaturated bond) between C-4 and C-5 position of uronic acid at the nonreducing end, and “⊿ (delta)” means the unsaturated bond. These products are useful as standards for a constituent analysis of CS and DS using a HPLC after the digestion with Chondroitinase derived from bacteria1). The enclosed Certification of Analysis lists
actual content and purity for product specifications.

*Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: Assortment is an assortment of the following products
Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-0S
Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-4S
Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-6S
Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-diSE
Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-diSB
Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-diSD
Unsaturated Chondro-Disaccharide: (Delta)Di-diTriS