• Primary Cell (PMC) Dashboard

    Cell / Cell culture products
    Adipose tissue related
    Bone / cartilage / tooth related
    Pancreas related
    Liver function related
    Cardiovascular related
    Immune related
    Mesenchymal stem cells (stromal cells)
    Feeder cells
    Tumor cell line
    Nerve / macrophage related
    Coating reagents
    Tissue-derived cDNA

    Assay Kits 
    Measurement kits
    Dyeing kits
    Detection / Purification Kits
    Nervous / dementia related
    Macrophage / immunity related
    Artificial Bone
    Peptides / Amino Acids


    Anti-glycation / Aging related
    Fluorescent AGEs assays
    Specific AGEs assays

Cell / Cell culture products

1st strand cDNA (rat/mouse pancreas)

For usage as a template for RT-PCR


Pancreas is a tissue with high RNase expression, making it difficult to prepare high-purity RNA.
This product is reverse transcribed using oligo(dT) primer and random primer with 0.5 μg of total RNA prepared from rat (SD rat 7-10 weeks old) or mouse (ICR mouse 7-10 weeks old) pancreas as a template. It becomes the reacted 1st strand cDNA.


  • cDNA prepared using the RevertAid™ First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Fermentas) is diluted 10-fold with sterile water.
  • It can be used as a template for real-time PCR, such as expression analysis of various genes.
    * This product is not a full-length cDNA. Please note that it may not be suitable for cloning.
  • The volume required for one reaction system (20 μl) is 0.125 μl (Insulin, rRNA, etc.) to 2.5 μl (beta-actin, Pdx-1, etc.). please give me.

Experimental example

Agarose gel analysis results after amplification by PCR using mouse pancreas cDNA as a template.

Lane 1: β -Actin PCR product (267 bp)
Lane 2: Insulin1 PCR product (210 bp)
Lane 3: Insulin2 PCR product (392 bp)
Lane 4: Pancreas duodenum homeobox (Pdx) 1 PCR product (371 bp) )
Lane 5: Sulfonylurea receptor (SUR) 1 PCR product (233 bp)
Lane 6: Inward rectifying potassium channel (Kir6.2) PCR product (417 bp) Lane
7: Glucose transporter 2 PCR product (267 bp)
Reaction system: 20 μl
Template amount: 2 μl (Ins2 only: 0.2 μl)
Number of cycles: 30 cycles (Ins2 and β -Actin only: 25 cycles)

1st strand cDNA (rat/mouse pancreas)

Product name Catalog number Size
Rat Pancreatic cDNA/  Pancreas cDNA (first strand) , Rat PMC-RPCDNA 50 UL
[equivalent to 0.5 μg total RNA]
Rat Pancreas cDNA (dT)/  Rat Pancreas cDNA(dT) PMC-RPCDNA-DT 50UL
Mouse Pancreas cDNA/  Pancreas cDNA (first strand) , Mouse PMC-MPC-DNA 50 UL
[equivalent to 0.5 μg total RNA]
Mouse Pancreas cDNA (dT)/  Pancreas cDNA (dT) , Mouse PMC-MPCDNA-DT 50UL